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This is a short video to support you in your being on this journey here and now. 


Ein kurzes einchecken in dein sein, werde sanft und weich, erlaube dir dich halten zu lassen. Weichheit, Milde, Sanftheit und Liebe.


Diese kurze Praxis erinnert dich an deine wahre Grösse, deine Kraft. 


It is a reminder for you to tap back into your being and sense the power and strength that resides within you.

Seelennahrung - VerbindungChristina Pelican
00:00 / 16:23
Reconnect to GaiaChristina Pelican
00:00 / 17:30

Dear Christina


My impulse to open your mail gave me a wonderful and powerful light in my day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Since Monday, doubts about my being and my path have besieged me so much that they made it difficult for me to walk. Your meditation "balancing your energy" allowed me to return to my LightPower and to dwell in the great abundance of radiant gratitude.




Guided Meditations
energy transmission & frequency
messages from the divine 


Deutsch / German

Erdung Meditation
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