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Hi, I am Christina

I am married and mother of two wonderful children. Together with my family I live in Cham, Switzerland.
My passion is to guide and teach others to step out of the "spiritual closet", so they can embrace their uniqueness, honor the truth of who they are, and live authentically.

My Story

As a child, I believed in magic. I bet you did too. I was deeply connected, but I shut myself off, just like many of us have.


An astrologer once told me during a reading that as a young child I had turned off my abilities in order to survive. The spirit of my mother came through during one of these readings and apologized to me. She said, "I saw you talking to the plants, to the elemental beings. I was not ready for a child like you."

There was a time in my live when I lost two beloved people within eight months. My godfather diedin an accident and my mother succumbed to her cancer. At the time of my mother's death, I was in the eighth month of pregnancy with my second child.


After difficult times in the family, marked by financial crises and illnesses, I increasingly turned to my own spiritual healing and spiritual healing methods. Unconsciously, I embarked on the path of liberation. I followed my calling, my desire for lived, unconditional love.


I have been initiated into Reiki, learned about Matrix Quantum Healing, became a Theta Healing Practitioner, a Moon Temple Initiate, a yoga teacher, and many other things for which I honestly don't have a title. Besides that, I have done a lot of self-study. I have been searching for the truth of who I am.​


Everything I did happened behind the scenes. I didn't dare to talk openly about it. I couldn't tell my husband that I meditated, connected with the goddess, felt my ancestors, or was in touch with the spiritual realm. Although I tried to mention it several times, I was afraid of negative reactions. Most of the time I received disapproving looks and was confronted with strange questions. I felt ridiculed and criticized. Questions like "Why are you doing this?" or "Why can't you just enjoy life and be happy?" were asked to me.


Ultimately, I reached a point of no return. I had to make a decision, either I would open up, speak authentically and embody authentically, or I would continue to hide and slowly die inside. You know what I have chosen, because you are reading this. Sometimes it is still triggering to talk about it. But the more I practice, the better it gets. It is the truth, who I am.


Now it is my passion to teach others, to step out of the "spiritual closet", so they can embrace their uniqueness, honor the truth of who they are, and live authentically.



​Interested in working with me?

Book a free discovery call to find out if we're a good fit.

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